Mastering Linux: 20 Essential Commands Every Developer Should Know

Mastering Linux: 20 Essential Commands Every Developer Should Know


3 min read

Linux commands are the backbone of any developer's toolkit. Whether you're a seasoned Linux user or just starting out, mastering these commands can significantly boost your productivity and efficiency. In this guide, we'll explore 20 essential Linux commands that every developer should know.

1. ls

The ls command lists directory contents, allowing you to view files and directories in the current directory.

2. cd

Use cd to change directories. It allows you to navigate through the file system.

3. mkdir

With mkdir, you can create new directories or folders.

4. rm

The rm command removes files and directories from the file system. Exercise caution when using this command, as it permanently deletes files.

5. cp

cp is used to copy files and directories from one location to another.

6. mv

Use mv to move or rename files and directories.

7. touch

The touch command creates empty files or updates the access and modification timestamps of existing files.

8. grep

grep is a powerful tool for searching text patterns within files. It's commonly used in combination with other commands to filter output.

9. nano or vim

Both nano and vim are text editors available in most Linux distributions. They allow you to create and edit text files directly from the command line.

10. cat

cat concatenates and displays the contents of files. It's often used to view the contents of small files or to combine multiple files.

11. chmod

With chmod, you can change the permissions of files and directories, allowing or restricting access to users and groups.

12. chown

chown changes the ownership of files and directories. It's useful for transferring ownership or changing permissions.

13. sudo

sudo stands for "superuser do" and allows users to execute commands with elevated privileges. It's often used for administrative tasks.

14. apt (or yum)

apt is a package manager used in Debian-based Linux distributions, while yum is used in Red Hat-based distributions. They allow you to install, update, and remove software packages.

15. ps

The ps command displays information about running processes on the system, such as their process IDs (PIDs) and resource usage.

16. kill

kill sends signals to terminate or stop processes. It's commonly used to gracefully shut down or restart applications.

17. df

With df, you can display information about disk space usage, including filesystem types, sizes, and available space.

18. du

du provides information about disk space usage for files and directories. It's useful for identifying large files or directories that may be taking up too much space.

19. tar

The tar command is used for archiving and compressing files and directories into a single file. It's commonly used for backup and file distribution purposes.

20. ssh

Finally, ssh allows you to securely connect to remote servers or devices over a network. It's essential for remote administration and file transfer.

Mastering these 20 Linux commands will empower you to navigate, manage, and manipulate the Linux file system efficiently. Whether you're a developer, sysadmin, or Linux enthusiast, these commands are fundamental tools for getting things done in the Linux environment. Happy command-line hacking!

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